Why High End Knives Are Worth the Money

Search for a new knife, and you’ll find a wide range of options at a variety of price points, from bargain buys to models that will blow your budget. Although you might be tempted to opt for a budget blade, a high-end knife is well worth the investment.


Most high-end knives simply get the job done better than cheap knock-offs. They feel comfortable in the hand and slice with ease and precision to make quick work of any task. Low-quality blades might require several pass-throughs, resulting in uneven cuts or fraying.


High-end knives constructed with top-quality materials are built to last, unlike more affordable designs that you’ll have to replace often. You’ll likely get by with less often sharpening and won’t notice the same nicks in blades as you would with low-end materials. For example, the Tremor’s S35VN satin-finished blade with a full hollow grind provides exceptional edge retention. Quality options will also resist rust and corrosion for all-weather durability.


The razor sharpness of high-end knives means safer operation for just about any job. They also tend to sport built-in safety features, like the Tremor’s safety lock, to keep the blade secure and prevent accidents.